The New Single Robbie Williams - Bodies

Bodies is the lead single from British singer 'Robbie Wiliams'. This song I've posted for GoenduL.Net Music Monday. It becomes eighth studio album “Reality Killed the Video Star” which is scheduled release on November 9, 2009 under EMI record label. Because it is my first post under Music Monday, I hope you enjoy this video and could be sang together...

Acme People Search is Recommended Money Maker 2010

I'm not an expert online money maker, but I have informations that you must try for work at home. Yes, of course, I've sure that Acme People Search would be one of the most recommended money maker 2010 for the professional blogger at this time. I've sure about it because I have such informations that can be proven about who success founder in this...

Islam Adalah Rahmat Alam Semesta

Islam Rahmat Alam Semesta Oleh Syeikh Dr. Muhammad Musa Nashr, Al Hafidz (Dosen Universitas Amman Al Ahliyah, Al Baany Jordan) Sungguh sebaik-baiknya pembicaraaan adalah firman Allah, dan sebaik-baiknya petunjuk adalah yang diberikan Rasulullah SAW. Seburuk-buruknya perkara adalah mengada-adakan sesuatu yang baru dalam ajaran agama, dan sesuatu yang...