A 55 Year Old Grandmother in Jail Only Because of Taking Three Cocoa Bean

In contrast to the fate of the corruptors who are always above the law, because of taking three cocoa bean in the plantations region, Minah (55) an old grandmother in Banyumas, Central Java, had to undergo trial in the Court of Purwokerto. Although threatened 6-month prison, the grandmother could only surrender, because she does not understand about...

Spice Girl - Viva Forever

Viva Forever from Spice Girl is my favourite song. This song remind me when I still on High School. And I do not know, while I heard this song as if I got spirit to see the world. I've posted this song for GoenduL.Net Music Monday. I hope you like it and together with me try to recollect our past memories to get spirit for the day.  ...

Share PayPal WishList Via Facebook and Earn US$100

This is the new promotion program from Paypal to make money by sharing the Pay Pal Wishlist Application on your Facebook. And of course there is no need skill to get this prize. It is very simply and easy to do. Actually, this promotion was already started at November 16th, 2009 and it would be ended at December 31st, 2009 ("Promotion Period"). The...

Body is The Sacret of God Conveyance

Actually, all of human are religious. They will always strive to invent a meaningful of world. When people are happy and contented, they tend to take life for granted. It is when they suffer or find life difficulty, they will begin to search for reason and a way out of their difficulty. They may ask why some are born in poverty and suffering, while...

List of Legit PTC Programs 2009

There are so many programs which is offering you to work at home. As we know that, PTC is one of the ways to make money online. Generally, PTC programs is depends on your continuities to click and view their Ads. No needs special skill to do. Remember that before you join in PTC...